Wednesday, January 9, 2013

About Backyard Fish Ponds

About Backyard Fish Ponds

The beauty of a backyard fish pond adds to the landscape and enhances the serenity that it brings to the soul. Outdoor fish ponds can include those with streams and waterfalls. They are among the most dramatic backyard garden settings and provide the perfect complement to any backyard universe you create.


As early as 3000 BC, Egyptians had gardens that contained fruit trees, beautiful plants and fish ponds. These formal, walled gardens symbolized the wealth of the owner, particularly in desert areas. Romans had gardens and ponds available to view for those who used the public baths. By the 18th century, the gardens at palaces not only had typical arrangements but also mimicked nature with ponds, rivers and curving paths. Today, you don't have to live in a palace to have a backyard fish pond.


Backyard fish ponds are no longer just a cement-lined hole where you put goldfish. They are works of art. You can build a backyard fish pond via a kit or your own design. Companies devoted to landscaping with ponds create elaborate ones that have waterfalls and streams. Backyard ponds take on a variety of designs. They may be quite large, or small and contained. The backyard fish pond also has the versatility to span several cultures, depending on the architecture of the home it embellishes. Whether you want something small and formal, large and natural, Oriental, Western or even Art Deco, the option is yours and designs are available.


Ponds enhance the beauty of the yard, as well as bringing serenity and peaceful relaxation. A Koi fish pond brings hours of relaxation and entertainment. The fish interact and co-exist with one another. The pleasure of watching the fish provides the owner with a hidden world for meditation and peace.


Backyard fish ponds can include waterfalls and a variety of plant life. Most of the ponds require some type of area for the fish to hide in the event there's a predator in the area. A pond that closely resembles a natural pond but has a pump to circulate water requires minimal maintenance. Periodically, it requires additional water. Unlike a pool, when a backyard fish pond is an ecosystem, there's no need for costly chemicals or a lot of maintenance. You can also have a water garden in the pond.


A fish pond adds to the value of a house. It provides natural beauty and a haven for relaxation. A poll taken by USA Today in July 2002 revealed that water features were on the top of the list for American homeowners in desirability. When the real estate market is slow, this could make the buyer choose your house over another.


Weather is a consideration in terms of the type of equipment for backyard fish ponds. If you live in an area that freezes during the winter, you need a pond de-icer. These are minimal in cost and use a nominal amount of electricity, and they keep the fish alive so you don't have to replace them. They generate heat that keeps a hole open in the ice so gases escape. Pond filters and aerators are important to the health of the fish. Water that is aerated benefits the fish and keeps the growth of harmful bacteria to a minimum. You need good filters and a pond pump. A UV sterilizer also keeps the water green, algae free and crystal clear.


Whether you want someone else to install the pond or are an avid do-it-yourselfer, there's ample information available. Check the sites listed in Resources below.