Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Do A Mime Skit

Costumes may play a role in a mime skit.

An original mime skit allows an actor to show off her skills and entertain guests. The art of mime is that of silence. The traditional mime tells a story without words. She uses expression and motion to relate a message or to act. Creating a skit for miming is dependent on several factors including time, space and audience.


1. Make a list of your mime skills. A mime's skills are learned and practiced over time to perfection. List all of situational movements, such as climbing a rope or running into a wall.

2. Arrange your skill set into a story. Carefully look at the list of skills. Imagine how they may fit together. For example, hitting a wall, sitting and thinking to come up with an idea and then climbing a rope tells an escape story. To elongate the story, you might reverse the actions and climb back into the box.

3. Add music to the skit. For an outside performance, music may not be possible. For a staged performance, select music to accompany the silent movements.

4. Practice and elaborate on the basic story. For example, if part of the story is a thinking and then idea motion, repeat the motion several times with a negative head shake in between. Bumping into the wall may lead to knocking motions or advanced actions such as trying to knock the wall down and failing. Use as many skills as possible around the basic story.