Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Airbrush 3d Letters

Airbrush artists have different ways of doing 3D lettering. Some prefer to do it freehand, while others begin with a stencil and complete the job by hand. Regardless of your method, crafting airbrushed 3D lettering is not difficult and can be accomplished even by a beginner with a little practice and basic airbrush tools.


1. Sketch your lettering on your canvas with a pencil. Alternatively, use stencils to create the front face of your letters first, then use a pencil to add the lines for the three dimensional element. Determine which direction your imaginary light source will come from and draw lines extending away from your lettering in the opposite direction to create the 3D effect.

2. Attach a 0.5 mm needle to your airbrush gun and color your letter facing with a 0.5mm needle. Hold the airbrush gun between 2 and 3 inches from your canvas and steady your wrist with one hand as you apply the paint. Apply the paint in short bursts, moving from top to bottom on your lettering. This helps you monitor the application so it doesn't streak and you keep a consistent color.

3. Attach a 0.35 mm needle and go over the lines you drew to create the three dimensional elements you drew on your letters. Go over these lines in black or use the same color you used on the face of the letter, but with a darker tone. Hold the airbrush about 1 inch away from these lines as you darken them.

4. Attach the 0.5 mm needle and color the three dimensional aspects of your lettering. This area should be lighter or darker than the face of your lettering to create contrast. It can even be a different color. Apply this element with your airbrush gun between 2 and 3 inches away from the surface of your canvas, again using short strokes to control application.