Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Apply Transparent Undercoating In Oil

An oil painting with a proper undercoat can have additional texture and interest.

The transparent primer used as an undercoat in oil painting is known as gesso. Gesso comes in a modern acrylic form or can be prepared in the tradition of the old masters. Although some artists might argue that modern acrylic gesso has not withstood the test of time and only traditional gesso is appropriate for oil painting, acrylic gesso can be used for acrylic or oil painting and is easy to find. This guide will describe apply the acrylic form of transparent gesso as an undercoat for oil painting to seal the canvas and provide additional texture.


Apply Transparent Undercoat to Canvas

1. Make sure your canvas is clean, dry and free of dust or debris before you start to apply the transparent gesso undercoat.

2. Use an inexpensive bristle brush you can discard when your undercoat is complete.

Apply the liquid gesso to your paintbrush straight from the container. For best results, do not attempt to dilute the gesso unless the manufacturer provides instructions for thinning the product.

3. Brush the gesso on the canvas in short, random strokes in varying directions to get into the tooth (texture) of your canvas and create additional texture.

4. Cover the entire surface of your canvas with the gesso and be careful not to leave any bare spots. Tip your canvas at different angles to the light in the room to check for any spots you may have missed to make sure your undercoating is complete.