Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Attach Elf Ears

Turn your ears into elf ears in a few easy steps.

If you are preparing to sport elf ears, you can find them in most costume, novelty stores and on-line. Elf ears come in many shapes and sizes. When choosing elf ears, choose a shape that is compatible to your ear. Take the time to test the ear to see how snugly it fits over your own ear. Choose a style that will be comfortable for you to wear. Whether you are trying to be one of Santa's elves, a St. Patrick's elf or a Halloween gremlin, you can apply elf ears that will last for the occasion.


1. Choose your elf ears. Elf ears come in many styles, shapes and sizes. The elf effect you want to display is totally up to you. Fit the ears over your own to test which ones are most comfortable for you to wear. Pick a color that is closest to your skin tone. Most come in light, medium, and dark.

2. Wash and dry your face and ears to remove all dirt and oils from your skin. If your skin is naturally oily the spirit gum may not stick to your skin. Towel dry your face and especially around your ears.

3. Trim your elf ears a little at a time to fit over your ear. Trim a little at a time so you won't cut too much off. Make sure your hair is pulled securely away from the ear to avoid getting the gum in your hair. Apply the spirit gum to the front and rear flaps of the lower part of the elf ear. Spirit gum is one of the more gentle products you can use on your skin.

4. Press and hold both of the areas for one minute or until the elf ear sticks securely to your ear. Take a small paint brush and apply the latex to hide the seam. Choose a latex color that matches your skin color. After the latex dries, use makeup to blend the colors for a more natural look.

5. Remove the ears by pulling them gently away from your ears from the tips in a downward position. Use soap and water to easily remove any remaining spirit gum. Gently rub a cotton ball dabbed in olive oil to ensure complete gum removal.