Elves are known for their pointed ears.
Aside from their trademark pointed ears, drawing an elf is much like drawing a person. You need the same skill set you employ when drawing standard, human features. The elf's clothing is the other detail of the illustration you can use to make it clear you have drawn an elf, not a human. Elves are typically shown in pointed shoes, stocking caps and striped pants.
1. Draw a circle for the elf's head. Sketch a semicircle for the forehead, two smaller semicircles in the shape of a C for the cheeks, and another semicircle for the chin, all inside the circle for the elf's head. Make the chin semicircle smaller than the forehead semicircle.
2. Etch a horizontal line to indicate the mouth and add curved lines above and below to shape the lips. Line up the endpoints of the mouth with the cheeks. Draw an open angle or semicircle to indicate the nose. Sketch the eyes in pointed oblong shapes.
3. Draw an upside down comma on each side of the head to indicate the ears. Add ridge detail toward the top, inner edge of the ears.
4. Attach a short triangle to the top of the head for a cone-shaped hat. Draw a rounded rectangle above the head for a stocking cap. Add the end of the hat peaking out from behind the elf.
5. Draw an oval down from the bottom of the head for the body. Add two parallel lines on each side of the body to indicate arms. Etch a cupped palm shape at the end of each arm.
6. Draw two sets of slightly bent parallel lines coming down from the bottom of the oval to make legs. Leave a sizable gap between the two legs. Sketch long, right triangles with rounded edges at the end of each leg for the feet.
7. Add detail to the clothing. Draw stripes on the pants by drawing a series of lines, or buttons to the top by sketching a row of small circles.