A photograph of clouds can provide inspiration for your ceiling painting technique.
Painting clouds on a ceiling is a popular decorating technique, especially for nurseries. But for your clouds to look realistic, you need to create clouds that are large and billowy to mimic how real clouds appear from the ground if you were gazing up at them. No perspective or horizon is necessary for a ceiling cloud painting. Just some white and pale blue paint and a ladder will create some natural-looking ceiling clouds in your room.
1. Find a photograph of clouds that you admire to recreate on your ceiling in the form of a cloud mural.
2. Paint all areas of the ceiling blue where you do not want clouds.
3. Paint a second layer of pale blue to create the edging of the clouds. Push the bristles of the brush firmly against the ceiling as you push the paint across the ceiling, creating an almost "hazy" effect.
4. Paint white on all the areas left blank for the clouds. Leave the edges for last.
5. Detail the cloud edges using the same method of painting as in Step 3: Push the brush and white paint out toward the blue "sky." Create circular movements with the brush at the same time to achieve a light, fluffy effect to your painted clouds.