Monday, June 17, 2013

Airless Spray Problems

Airless spray systems apply paint with high amounts of pressure. With a pressure range of 500 pounds to 6,500 pounds per square inch, airless sprayers are twice as fast as air sprayers. They are also more portable and cost-effective. However, the unique problems airless spray guns present call attention to their limitations and hazards.

Chloride And Chlorine

Portland Compressor says most airless sprayers contain aluminum. They warn their customers, "When a chloride or chlorine (bleach) contacts aluminum, a dangerous and toxic gas is produced which can also explode under high compression or pressure." In addition, the aluminum's reaction to chloride or chlorine will induce a structural breakdown of an airless sprayer. The company asserts that either one of these problems can result in serious injury and even death.

Coating Quality

Airless sprayers apply high-viscosity coatings without the use of paint-thinning solvents. However, the Waste Management Officials' Association Manual indicates that one major problem of airless sprayers is the quality of coatings they create. They say airless spray coats are not as good as those made with conventional spray systems. Yet jobs that require thick, heavy coats are suitable for airless sprayers.

Limited Applications

Another problem airless sprayers have is that they are limited to painting large areas. This will be a problem if you are looking for a painting tool for a wide variety of uses. The airless spray gun won't be suitable for small painting jobs. Other spray systems may be more suitable.

Nozzle Problems

Airless spray nozzles need careful handling. If you drop one, it can break. Materials that can handle high-pressure uses, such as tungsten carbide, are hard and brittle. In addition, the constant high pressure can enlarge the nozzle's orifice. The result is an increasing flow rate and changes in the airless system's spray pattern. If a nozzle begins to malfunction or if clogging occurs, users must be sure the unit is off before making adjustments.

Safety Hazards

Airless spray guns expose operators to the hazards of working with high-pressure tools. The high velocity of the spray system's stream requires holding the airless spray gun several inches away from the surface area. Any failure in keeping the right distance from the surface of the painting area can result in serious injuries.