Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Diy Airbrush Stencils

Air brush stencils make airbrushing an accessible art form for artists of all levels.

DIY Airbrush stencils make airbrushing an accessible craft for any artist no matter how advanced their drawing skills are. Multi-colored airbrush stencils can be used repeatedly, allowing for multiples of airbrush prints to be created easily. Airbrush stencils are a low cost tool and add a professional appearance to airbrush projects. There is no need to rely on store bought stencils to express your artistic vision when your own designs can be made in an afternoon.


1. Place your tracing paper over the image you wish to stencil. Your image can be hand drawn or printed. A photocopier can be used to enlarge or shrink the image down to your desired size.

2. Trace the contour of all of the areas of your image that will be of the same color onto your tracing paper. For example, if your image is a tree with summer leaves, trace only the trunk and branches.

3. Place a second piece of tracing paper over your image. Trace the contour of the areas of your image that will be of a second color onto the second piece of tracing paper. For example, the leaves and grass of a summer tree stencil.

4. Continue placing additional pieces of tracing paper over the image and tracing the contours of one color until all the colors of your image have been traced.

5. Check each page of tracing paper for areas of the stencil that need to be connected to the outside area in order to prevent them from being removed when the stencil is cut out. For example, the inner circle of a letter "o" or a lowercase "e." Draw two lines connecting the inner contour shapes to the outside of the stencil. When cutting the stencil, take care not to cut between the two lines, ensuring that the center contours will remain connected to the stencil.

6. Cut out the stencil you have drawn on each page of tracing paper with your craft blade. The more accurate and crisp your cuts are made, the more precise and professional your finished airbrushed image will appear.