Thursday, June 27, 2013

Crafts With Packing Peanuts

Styrofoam can be used in place of gravel in your potted plants.

It's great to get packages, but it's not always great to deal with the packing material. Styrofoam peanuts are good to keep around if you plan to ship something yourself. But if you're not, there are some crafts you can make using the peanuts.

Packing Peanut Necklace

Gather together packing peanuts that come with the hole going through it. You'll need newspaper, acrylic paints, a paint brush, white pony beads, twine or plastic string and scissors. Spread out the paper and paint the packing peanuts in the colors of your choice. Let them dry. Cut a length of string or twine a little longer than you need for your necklace. Allow enough to fit it over your head and to make a knot. First, string a pony bead, then the packing peanuts, alternating colors as you like. End with a pony bead and tie the two ends together in a knot.

Christmas Tree Decorations

String the peanuts just a you would popcorn, with a needle and thread. Paint the peanuts before stringing them to match the holiday colors or leave them white.

Dog or Cat Beds

Using old pillowcases and that latest shipment of packing peanuts, you can make a light, comfortable bed for your pet. You will need a needle, thread and scissors. When the pillow case is filled, sew the open end closed and your work is done.