Friday, September 27, 2013

How Can Teens Become Actors In Hollywood

Many people dream of moving to Hollywood and becoming famous in the movies. It takes hard work and determination to break into movies no matter who you are, but for teens, becoming an actor or actress in Hollywood can be especially challenging. Learn the special challenges teens face in order to become an actor or actress in Hollywood.


1. Talk to your parents. You'll need their support, guidance and permission to be involved in professional acting. There are many factors, both legal and logistical, that need to be considered for teen actors in Hollywood.

2. Take drama in school. Drama classes give teen actors a chance to learn about acting at an early age and give them a head start in theater. An acting coach outside of school is a good idea too. An acting coach will teach you express yourself and help you with the little techniques that will get you through casting calls.

3. Make a portfolio. A portfolio includes a selection of glossy black and white as well as color photographs of you. The photographs should highlight your versatility. Find a local photographer who can do the your portfolio. Avoid chain photo studios. You don't want photographs that look like they're stock photographs. A professional independent photographer will take better, more unique photos. Include a bio in your portfolio detailing any acting credits you have.

4. Sign on with a talent agency (see resources). An agency will push your portfolio and find you work as an actor. You're still in school, so a talent agency can find work for you while you continue your education. Some talent agencies specialize in representing young actors. Approach these agencies by following their application guidelines. Some request your portfolio to start. Others request a video showing your ability to read. A talent agency that believes they can handle your career will contact you with further details.

5. Plan to spend summer vacations in California or New York City. This will put you where the movies are made and allow you to participate in open casting calls for parts in those movies. You'll need at least one parent with you. If you want to act, your summer vacations away from school provide the perfect opportunity for you to put your skills into play.