Friday, January 31, 2014

Become A Ventriloquist

Become a Ventriloquist

Ventriloquism got its start thousands of years ago when people would trick others into thinking that voices were coming from spirits. The most famous ventriloquists are Edgar Bergen who learned the art from a 25 cent book, Shari Lewis who won dozens of Emmys and Buffalo Bob Smith, to name a few.


1. Part your lips slightly, and say vowels without moving your lips. This first step should be easy.

2. Memorize tricks for the sounds that give ventriloquist trouble. They are "b, f, m, p, q, v and w." For "b" use "geh." Make this sound at the back of your throat. The audience participates in this deception because they want to hear "b." For F use "th, "Try saying "fake" with the substitute sound. The M is replaced with "neh" or "nah." The P is replaced by saying "kl" at the back of the throat. Q's replacement is "koo." If "q" gives you no trouble, then just use it as is. "Ooh" is substituted for "w."

3. Replace difficult words with those that are easier to say without moving your lips. For example, the preceding word "difficult" could be replaced with "hard."

4. Order or enroll in a ventriloquist-training course.