Friday, October 25, 2013

Achieve A High Gloss Finish On An Acrylic Painting

Acrylics are water-based paints similar to watercolors. An acrylic painting can resemble a watercolor or oil painting, depending on how much it has been diluted with water. You may notice a glossy finish on acrylic paintings you have seen. This is applied for two reasons: a glossy finish looks nice and it protects the paint. If you are painting with acrylics you can apply the glossy finish yourself using finish commonly found at art supply stores.


1. Open your jar of acrylic varnish. These jars of varnish can be expensive, but it is worth the money to protect the painting.

2. Place some of the varnish in a cup and dilute it with water if you don't want a highly glossed finish. You can try one part varnish to one part water. If the finish isn't glossy enough you can always use less water and put another coat of varnish over the painting.

3. Paint a thin layer of varnish evenly over the surface of the painting. Be sure to cover all of the painting. Allow it to dry.

4. Repeat the steps as necessary to increase the glossed finish on the painting.