Monday, August 5, 2013

Circular Breathe

Circular Breathe

Circular breathing is used by wind instrument musicians to carry a continuous tone. This is done by breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth using stored up air in your cheeks. This type of breathing takes practice, and the following steps will show you circular breathe.


1. Pour a glass of water, place a straw in it and see how long you can blow bubbles in this water. Practice this a couple of times and then time yourself. Try to work yourself up to blow bubbles for one minute. This is a great way to train your lungs and cheeks.

2. Puff your cheeks out as much as possible with air, but make sure you are able to breathe in and out of your nose at the same time. If you are unable to breathe in and out of your nose, release a small bit of the air from your cheeks.

3. Plug your nose and let all of the air out of your mouth. This is to make sure you do not take any more air in at that moment. Practice this several times until you are able to do it without thinking about it.

4. Repeat the previous step but try not to plug your nose this time.

5. Finish a circular breathing round. This is done by pushing air out of your mouth while breathing through your nose until you develop a rhythm. You will eventually get the hang of it and strengthen your breathing at the same time.