Monday, August 25, 2014

Degrease & Paint Metal

Condition the metal with a special acid-based primer.

When do-it-yourselfers attempt to refinish metallic surfaces with paint, peeling and flaking often result. The cause is inadequate or improper surface preparation. Metallic surfaces are notoriously ill-suited for paint adhesion. If you paint under-prepared metal, expect rampant paint failure. Promote paint adhesion by pre-treating the metal with a special acid-based primer formulated with the ability to etch metallic surfaces. Once the metal is properly conditioned, apply a durable coating, or you may end up with cracking and fading.


1. Scrub the metal with a trisodium phosphate cleanser, using steel wool. Rinse exterior metal, using a pressure washer. Use wet rags to rinse interior metal. Wait two to four hours for the metal to dry.

2. Coat the clean metal with galvanized metal etching spray primer. Promote a smooth, professional finish by maintaining an 8-inch distance between the metal and the spray nozzle at all times. Wait four hours for the primer to dry.

3. Coat the primed metal with acrylic spray enamel. Maintain an 8-inch distance between the metal and the spray nozzle at all times. Wait four hours for the enamel to dry.