Monday, November 25, 2013

Be A Slam Poet

Be a Slam Poet

Slam poetry is a competitive performance art. Relatively new on the American scene, slam poetry is a high energy social activity that takes place mainly in bars, cafes and clubs. In slam competitions, poets or teams of poets battle it out before an audience, who then chooses the winner.


1. Read poetry. The best way to learn about poetry is to immerse yourself in it. Read modern poets, dead poets, American poets, foreign poets, every poet you can get your hands on.

2. Write poetry. Take what you have learned from your reading and apply it to writing. Write what you feel, as concisely and clearly as possible.

3. Attend poetry slams. Frequent local slams to familiarize yourself with the rhythm and types of performances that other poets are creating.

4. Reread and edit your poetry. At a slam poetry performance, you will have 3 minutes, plus a 10-minute grace period to perform. Using extra time will deduct points from your score.

5. Practice. Perform your poetry for friends and family and ask them for their feedback, before hitting the stage.

6. Sign up to perform in a poetry slam. When you are ready to perform, find the location that hosts the slams that you have enjoyed the most and go for it.

7. Continue writing and competing. You will only improve with practice.