Monday, May 5, 2014

Clean And Restore An Oil Painting

Restoring a dirty or damaged oil painting is daunting work, but with patience, it can be immensely satisfying. The damage to an oil painting could be as minor as yellowing varnish, or as major as chipped paint. The latter requires a slower, more tedious process of restoration. With the right tools and time, cleaning and restoring an oil painting to its original grandeur is achievable.


1. Brush the painting lightly with a large paintbrush to remove dirt. Use a medium or small paintbrush to pick out dirt in cracks and crevices.

2. Wipe the painting gently with a flannel cloth to pick up any residue.

3. Aged varnish will look yellow or have a cracked appearance and should be removed. Using varnish remover and a small paintbrush, work on very small patches to remove varnish but leave original paint untouched. Allow the painting to dry completely.

4. Fill in missing paint. Using oil-based paint, mimic the shade of missing paint as accurately as possible. Use the small brush to fill in the missing section. Add more than one layer as necessary to achieve a consistent appearance. Allow the paint to thoroughly dry.

5. Apply a fresh coat of varnish to protect the newly restored oil painting.