Monday, May 19, 2014

Clean Dried Paint Off Brass

Take care when removing dried paint from brass.

You can remove dried paint from a brass surface by using the proper removal strategy. Like other metallic surfaces, brass is ill-suited for paint adhesion. This characteristic makes paint removal much easier. However, you'll need to use the correct materials, adhere to the proper guidelines, identify any potential pitfalls before they happen and take the proper safety precautions. Otherwise, you could damage the underlying brass, as well as areas adjacent to and below it; you could even accidentally start a fire.


1. Use a plastic putty knife to scrape off as much dried paint as you can from the brass.

2. Remove stubborn particles of chipping paint by sanding them with a low-grit sandpaper. Stop when the brass is paint-free.

3. Cover areas adjacent to and below the brass with plastic drop cloths and professional painter's tape.

4. Apply paint stripper to any remaining dried paint, using a natural-bristled paintbrush.

5. Wait 60 seconds for the stripper to loosen the adhesives within the paint. Scrape of the remaining paint, using the plastic putty knife and steel wool.

6. Clean off the brass thoroughly with wet rags.