Thursday, May 8, 2014

Clean An Rc Car

Radio-controlled cars are truly for all ages. Chances are that if you have one of these cars, you don't just use it inside of your clean home. You probably take the car outside. You may even race the cars against others. Some people even take their RC cars and trucks “off-road.” This can make your car very dirty. As with an actual car, it's important to an owner to keep his or her car looking great. Cleaning your car can also keep it running smoothly. Here is clean an RC Car.


1. Begin by removing the tires and body of the RC car. This is the best way to clean the tires and body and also allows you to clean the inside of the car more thoroughly.

2. Use the can of compressed air to blow away any dirt or dust which may have accumulated in your RC car. This does more than just make the cleaning process easier for you. Using the compressed air can blow away pieces of dirt which you may have missed or been unable to reach. Be cautious when using the compressed air around your engine, though, as you don't want to cause any damage.

3. Clean your car with the toothbrush in any spots that you can reach. Some people just make the toothbrush damp when doing this while others actually dip it in a cleaner (Easy-Off is known for removing grease and grime). You can also leave the toothbrush dry if your goal is to simply “chip away” the dirt that may be stuck to your car.

4. Use a rag or towel and a gentle soap to wash the tires and body of the car. You can actually submerge these in water if you wish but it's probably not necessary in order to get the items clean. Since these are no longer attached to the RC car, you can get them wet without having to worry about causing damage to any electrical parts of the car. Make sure to completely dry them, though, before reattaching them.

5. Dampen a separate towel and go over the inside of the RC car before reattaching the body and tires. You may have chipped away the dirt with your toothbrush but it can still remain in the car. This towel or rag will pick up the dirt and remove it from the RC car. Be sure that the towel isn't too wet, though, as you don't want moisture to linger on the inside of the car.