Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Clean Rust From Chrome

Steel wool and a dab of chrome polish will remove rust from chrome

Rusty chrome on your car or household fixtures is a definite eyesore. But don't fret. Rust can be easily removed from chrome. Chrome is a metal coating that doesn't actually rust itself. When you notice rust spots, it can mean either that something foreign on the coating is rusting or the coating is scratched or chipping and the metal underneath is rusting. The latter is more difficult or impossible to remove.


Method One

1. Using a wet rag, wipe down the rusted area and pat dry.

2. Put some cleaner polish on the rusted area. Then dab some on the steel wool.

3. Rub the rusted area with the steel wool. Use gentle back-and-forth motions. Don't put too much pressure on the steel wool as this can cause unnecessary scratching of the chrome. If the steel wool gets dry, add a bit more polish to the other side of the pad and rub the rust area.

4. After a minute or so, wipe the area with a wet rag and pat dry. The rust should be gone. If it's not, it means the metal underneath the chrome is exposed and is rusting. If that’s the case, there’s not much you can do.

5. Polish the chrome using a soft polishing cloth.

Method Two

6. Fold up a piece of aluminum foil and submerge it in Coca-Cola.

7. Using gentle back-and-forth motions, gently rub the rusty areas with the Coke-soaked aluminum foil.

8. After the rust is gone, wipe down the area with a wet rag and pat dry. Then, polish the area with a chrome polish cloth.